

联邦 贷款


Have you enrolled in the most affordable payment plan for your situation? Did you know Herzing has a team of professionals ready to assist you? We have created a guide to help you build your plan for 还款 success.   查看还款指引

Herzing is approved to award eligible students with the following loans:

直接+ /毕业+

联邦 PLUS loans are not awarded based on student’s financial need.  PLUS贷款是由受抚养的本科生和获得研究生或专业学位的学生的父母借入的.  Borrowers will need to have a credit check completed in order to qualify for a PLUS loan.  研究生必须填写自己的FAFSA,父母的受抚养学生也必须填写FAFSA.  有关学生资格的更多信息, 利率, 发放的费用, 还款, 贷款限制, 和 other requirements for borrowing PLUS loans please visit the following:    http://studentaid.Administration/understand-aid/types/loans/plus


Subsidized loans are awarded based on student’s financial need.  当学生在半日或半日以上的班级注册并且在宽限期内,这些贷款不产生利息.  学生必须填写FAFSA才能获得资格.  有关学生资格的更多信息, 利率, 发放的费用, 还款, 贷款限制, 和 other requirements for borrowing subsidized loans please visit the following:  http://studentaid.Administration/understand-aid/types/loans/subsidized-unsubsidized


Unsubsidized loans are not awarded based on student’s financial need.  无论学生的注册状态或宽限期如何,利息在支付后立即产生.  学生必须填写FAFSA才能获得资格.  有关学生资格的更多信息, 利率, 发放的费用, 还款, 贷款限制, 和 other requirements for borrowing unsubsidized loans please visit the following:  http://studentaid.Administration/understand-aid/types/loans/subsidized-unsubsidized


所有申请联邦经济援助的学生都需要填写联邦学生援助免费申请表(FAFSA)。.  学生 are encouraged to visit the following website to fill out their FAFSAhttp://studentaid.Administration / h /申请援助/ fafsa


In general, students may be eligible for Title IV aid if the following provisions apply:

  • The student is enrolled as a regular student in a Title IV-eligible program.
  • 这个学生是美国人.S. 公民或符合条件的非公民.
  • 该学生符合指定的需求要求.
  • The student makes satisfactory academic progress toward completing their program. 关于赫京大学学业进步满意(SAP)政策的相关信息,请访问以下网址: http://z.ebonykink.com/university-policy-Statements
  • The student is not in default on a Title IV loan received at any institution.
  • 学生没有达到或超过总贷款限额.
  • 学生不能同时从另一所高等教育机构获得第四章的经济援助.
  • The student has not met or exceeded Pell lifetime eligibility limits.
  • The student does not owe a refund or 还款 on a 联邦 Pell Grant, ACG, 国家智能基金, 或联邦SEOG. 有关其他资格要求,请参阅: http://studentaid.Administration/understand-aid/types/grants


所有 联邦 loan disbursements will begin in Week 3 of each student’s start. 资金将被应用到学生的分类帐账户,多余的资金将在支付日期后的14天内支付.



所有从Herzing大学毕业并获得联邦直接贷款的学生都需要进行直接贷款退出咨询.  For more information 和 to complete exit counseling please see the following:  http://studentloans.Administration/myDirectLoan/exitCounseling.action?execution=e1s1


珀金斯贷款退出咨询是所有从赫京大学毕业并获得珀金斯贷款的学生的必要条件.  Herzing大学 is partnered with University 会计 Service (UAS).  学生 can complete exit counseling online at UAS to fulfill their exit counseling requirements, 了解更多关于贷款偿还的信息, 并熟悉无人机系统.  请在以下网站完成退出咨询: http://www.uasconnect.com/


学生必须偿还学生贷款.  在偿还联邦贷款时, students need to identify how much they have borrowed 和 who currently services their federal loans.  学生 can access the 联邦 Student Aid website to find out this information here: http://studentaid.Administration / fsa-id /登录/着陆

如果学生知道他们的贷款金额和贷款利率,他们可以使用还款计算器:  http://studentaid.ed.政府/repay-loans/underst和/plans/st和ard/comparison-calculator

赫晶大学致力于帮助学生了解贷款偿还的重要性,并通过校友支持金融服务的帮助,让他们有更多的选择来偿还贷款.  Please see the following link for information on the 校友 Support-Financial Services:  http://z.ebonykink.com/alumni/alumni-support-center

联邦 Health 资源 和 Services 政府 (HRSA) 护理 Student Loan

Herzing大学 is approved to offer students pursuing an Associate, 本科, or Master’s degree in 护理 the 联邦 HRSA 护理 Student Loan. 赫京大学将通过赫京大学学生邮箱通知所有符合申请条件的学生. 请点击以下链接获取更多信息: http://z.ebonykink.com/nsl


护士教师贷款幸运28计划(NFLP)是由卫生资源和服务管理局(HRSA)资助的联邦幸运28计划。, 目的是增加合格的护理学生在护理学校从事全职教师的人数.

  • 本课程面向在读护理教育理学硕士(MSN-NE)和护理教育硕士后证书(PMC-NE)的学生,他们致力于成为护士教师.
  • In exchange for post-graduation employment as nurse faculty meeting specific criteria, the program authorizes the cancelation of up to 85% of any such loan (plus interest thereon).

请点击以下链接获取更多信息: http://z.ebonykink.com/nflp. 1

1 This project is supported by the Health 资源 和 Services 政府 (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of 卫生与公共服务部 (美国卫生和公众服务部) as part of an award totaling $294,980个,其中10%由非政府来源资助. The contents are those of the author(s) 和 do not necessarily represent the official views of, 也不是背书, 由HRSA, 美国卫生和公众服务部, 或者是美国.S. 政府. 欲了解更多信息,请访问HRSA.政府.


学生可能需要申请联邦财政援助以外的额外经济援助,以帮助支付教育费用. 私人贷款就是这样一种选择,需要信用检查,许多贷款需要共同签署人. Herzing提供 FASTChoice, which is a list intended to assist students in comparing private loan options. 学生不局限于从这个贷款机构名单中申请贷款,他们可能会找到其他的方法来资助他们的教育. Please keep in mind that private lenders have limited 还款 和 loan consolidation options. 潜在的借款人可能有资格获得贷款或其他第四章援助,条款和条件可能比私人教育贷款更有利.  Please contact the 金融援助 Department, review our private 学生贷款信息表,或浏览 http://studentaid.Administration/understand-aid/types/loans#what-types-of-federal-student-loans-are-available 了解更多信息.

状态 贷款

Herzing大学 is eligible to award students the following 状态 loan options.  有关资格和其他要求的更多信息,请联系财政援助部门.


SELF Loan是一种长期贷款, 低息教育贷款主要提供给明尼苏达州需要帮助支付高中以上教育费用的学生. 利息必须在借款人在校期间支付. 符合条件的学生是明尼苏达州居民,在州内或州外的合格高等教育机构就读, 以及在明尼苏达州合格高等教育机构就读的非居民(Herzing 明尼阿波里斯市是一所合格的学校). 学生 must be attending at least half-time 和 a co-signer is required. There is no minimum income threshold or requirement to demonstrate financial need. There are no application, origination, guarantee or other processing fees deducted from the loan. 有关资格要求的更多信息, 选择标准, 大量授予, 以及如何申请的程序请访问以下明尼苏达州高等教育办公室网站: http://www.selfloan.State.mn.us/index.cfm


护理学生贷款计划向在符合条件的州内机构注册至少一半时间的威斯康星州居民本科生或研究生提供贷款,这些机构为他们准备获得护士执照, 要么是RN要么是LPN. 前两年的每一年,学生都要在威斯康星州担任护士或护士教育工作者,并符合资格标准, 25%的贷款被免除. The balance remaining after forgiveness must be repaid at an interest rate of 5%. If the student does not work as a nurse or nurse educator 和 meet the eligibility criteria, 这笔贷款必须以5%的利率偿还. 为了获得贷款, 学生必须是威斯康辛州的居民,并且至少有一半的时间在威斯康辛州符合条件的学院或大学学习护士执照(注册护士或执业护士). 本科生和研究生均可申请. 参加本课程的学生必须同意在威斯康星州被聘为有执照的护士. Herzing大学 receives a limited allocation of funds for the 护理 Student Loan program, 并非所有符合贷款基本资格要求的学生都能获得贷款资金. For additional information regarding eligibility requirements, 选择标准, 大量授予, 和 application procedures please visit the following 威斯康辛州 Higher Educational Aids Board website: http://www.heab.State.wi.美国/Programs.html #Loans




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