护理人员/ EMT培训
护理人员/ EMT培训
认证 | 获高等教育委员会认可 |
转移信用 | 最多54个认可学分 |
选项 | 副学士学位,文凭和证书选项 |
格式 | 阿拉巴马州伯明翰的校园课程 |
通路 | 继续获得相关领域学士学位的途径 |
快速通道 | 转移信用, 可叠起堆放的凭证, 和 adaptive learning technology build a faster pathway to a higher education Herzing与大学 |
紧急医疗技术员(EMT)课程包括证书, 文凭, 还有副学士学位的选择,为你成为第一响应者做准备.
Each 伯明翰 校园 程序 provides students with fundamental knowledge 和 skills in basic emergency medical care, 心脏紧急情况的生命支持, 识别和管理各种病人的情况, 和更多的.
Discover the crucial knowledge 和 skills required to succeed in 你的 work 和 build a foundation for continued career growth.
软件下载努力帮助你保持学校和生活的平衡, 努力为忙碌的非传统学生提供尽可能灵活的服务.
Get face-to-face instruction from experienced 和 credentialed faculty with real-world success in the field.
软件下载将为您的职业发展提供全面的服务, 个性化的学生服务,终身职业指导.
不用担心申请截止日期. 当你准备好了就申请,并准备尽快开始.
大多数急诊医师和护理人员在大都市地区工作. 志愿急救医生和护理人员在小城市、城镇和农村地区更为常见. 许多行业都雇佣了有偿的急救医生和护理人员.
- 45%的人在救护车服务部门工作
- 29%在地方政府工作
- 20%在医院工作
受过高等教育的急救医生和护理人员, 认证和EMT培训, 比如护理人员级别的认证, should enjoy the most favorable job prospects as clients 和 patients dem和 higher levels of care before arriving at the hospital. 具体职责取决于他们的资格和培训水平. The National Registry of 急救医疗技术员s (NREMT) certifies emergency medical service providers at five levels of EMT training:
- EMT-Basic – Care for patients at the scene of an accident 和 while transporting patients by ambulance to the hospital under medical direction.
- 中级emt有更高级的培训. 然而, the specific tasks that those certified at this level are allowed to perform varies greatly from state to state.
- EMT-Paramedic – Provide the most extensive pre-hospital care which may include administering drugs orally 和 intravenously, 解释心电图(ekg), 进行气管插管, 并使用监视器和其他复杂设备.
急救医生和护理人员在室内和室外工作,在各种天气下. 这项工作不仅体力消耗大,而且压力也很大, 有时涉及到生死攸关的情况和痛苦的病人. 尽管如此, 许多人觉得这份工作令人兴奋,充满挑战,并享受帮助他人的机会. These workers tend to experience a larger than average number of work-related injuries or illnesses.
Emergency Medical 程序s from Herzing大学 provide students with a solid foundation to assess 和 manage patients with emergency medical needs.
程序 仪
急救医疗技术员 学位课程
显示 4 程序s 为 在线 校园
This emergency medical technician-paramedic associate 程序 will cover the roles 和 responsibilities of a paramedic within an EMS system, 落实发展的基本理念, 病理生理学和药理学评估和管理病人的紧急医疗需求. 学生将学习如何维持病人的气道,给病人充氧和通气, 要有足够的历史记录, 并进行全面的身体检查. 学生 will be able to properly administer medications 和 communicate effectively with other healthcare providers including physicians, 护士, 以及其他专职医疗人员. 他们还将能够整合病理生理学原理, 评估结果, 和 critical thinking skills to formulate a field impression 和 implement a treatment plan for trauma 和 medical patients of all ages. Graduates will be eligible to write the National Registry of 急救医疗技术员s licensure exam 和 will be prepared for entrance into many challenging areas of hospital emergency departments, 消防部门, 救护车服务.
准备有能力的初级护理人员的认知(知识), 精神运动(技能), 和 affective (behavior) learning domains with or without exit points at the Advanced 急救医疗技术员 和/or 急救医疗技术员, 和/或紧急医疗响应级别.
The 急救医疗技术员—Paramedic 程序 will cover the roles 和 responsibilities of a paramedic within an EMS system, 落实发展的基本理念, 病理生理学, 药理学来评估和管理有紧急医疗需求的病人. 学生将学习如何维持病人的气道, 给病人充氧和通气, 要有足够的历史记录, 并进行全面的身体检查. 学生 will be able to properly administer medications 和 communicate effectively with other healthcare providers including physicians, 护士, 以及其他专职医疗人员. 学生也将能够整合病理生理学原理, 评估结果, 和 critical thinking skills to formulate a field impression 和 implement a treatment plan for trauma 和 medical patients of all ages. Graduates will be eligible to write the EMT-Paramedic licensure exam administered by the National Registry of 急救医疗技术员s.
准备有能力的初级护理人员的认知(知识), 精神运动(技能), 和 affective (behavior) learning domains with or without exit points at the Advanced 急救医疗技术员 和/or 急救医疗技术员, 和/或紧急医疗响应级别.
要了解有关此程序的更多信息,请单击 请求的信息 右边的按钮.
The EMT-B is trained in basic life-support procedures 和 performs limited invasive (advanced) skills. This 程序 emphasizes the development of student skills in patient assessment 和 examination, 对疾病或损伤的征兆和症状的识别, 以及在提供基本急救护理时使用适当的程序. 涵盖的一般主题包括人体解剖学和生理学, 出血和休克, 紧急分娩, 气道管理, 夹板固定骨折和脱位, 医疗急救, 病人的运动. The intent of the 程序 is to provide the student with the knowledge 和 skills to assess 和 manage life-threatening injury 和 illness 和 provide transport to medical facilities. 临床经验是该计划的一个组成部分. Graduates will be eligible to write the EMT-Basic licensure exam administered by the National Registry of 急救医疗技术员s.
认证 & 信息披露
浙江大学是经高等教育委员会认证的高等院校.org)是美国认可的机构认证机构.S. 教育部.
1. The 急救医疗技术员-Paramedic 程序 at Herzing大学 - 伯明翰 is accredited by the Commission on 认证 of 所有ied Health Education 幸运28计划 (www.caahep.org) upon the recommendation of the Committee on 认证 of Educational 幸运28计划 为 Emergency Medical Services Professions (CoAEMSP).
CAAHEP Accredited Paramedic 幸运28计划 track 和 report outcome measures annually to the Committee on 认证 为 Emergency Medical Services Professions (CoAEMSP).
The most recent success rate 为 National Registry of EMT Paramedic/State Cognitive exam was 89.3%.
最近的毕业生就业率为93%.3%. Positive placement is defined by the CoAEMSP as ‘Employed full or part-time in a related field 和/or continuing his/her education 和/or serving in the military’. 积极安置是在幸运28计划完成时衡量的.
来参观软件下载在伯明翰的校园吧, 阿拉巴马州 to learn more about Herzing’s 急救医疗技术员 / paramedic training 程序s 和 discover how we can help you reach 你的 career goals.
(209) 791-5860
查看所有 伯明翰学位课程.